We’ve just released our new Impact Report for 2022-23! Take a look here.

Walking In Norfolk

Health Walking in Norfolk

For those wanting to do more walking in Norfolk, Health Walks are offered regularly and are open to everyone. This includes those who are inactive, as well as those able to walk up to four miles. These programmes are also delivered with support from Norfolk County Council Public Health.

You will be walking in a group using the network of local footpaths, quiet back lanes, woodlands and river valleys around Norfolk.

Walking for health is a moderate paced series of walks suitable for everyone. Therefore you will be encouraged to walk at a pace where you get the best benefit from moderate exercise.

Please note: Walk leaders do not take responsibility for assisting adults on the walks. If you need assistance for the walk please come with another responsible adult, and ensure you’ve filled in the Carer Responsibility Form in advance.

For solo walking trails, check out the Norfolk trails website.

For details on accessible walks around Norfolk to take on solo or with a friend or carer, check out our On The Move Outdoors section.

Norfolk walk signpost
Norfolk health walk group

West Norfolk Walks

If you are living in West Norfolk and want to join the Walking for Health programme, these will be recommencing in May. Click here for the website and more information. In the meantime, you can download the files below and complete them in advance.

Central Norfolk Walks

The walks are offered most days of the week and are led by trained leaders who will greet you and explain any safety points to be aware of during the walk. They offer a range of walks in East Broadland, Norwich City and also South Norfolk. They are graded to suit most ability levels.

Click here for the website, or click here to join the Facebook group and chat to other members.

No booking required. It’s free to walk, but they welcome donations to help run the scheme.

Taverham, Drayton and Costessey Walks

Informal groups who meet for friendly sociable countryside walks around the local area. Click here to find more information on the website.

Taverham, Drayton and Costessey Walks are on Wednesdays and Fridays, and Aylsham Walks are on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Walking in Great Yarmouth

Please print and complete the registration and anonymous health survey and bring along to your first walk. Leaders will also have these available for you to complete at your first walk so please turn up 20 minutes early to do this.