We’ve just released our new Impact Report for 2022-23! Take a look here.

Inclusive Activity

Inclusive activity in the workplace

Promoting inclusive activity in the workplace is essential for all employers. Even if you don’t believe you have any disabled employees, there may be people within your workplace who live with an invisible disability or limiting condition.

Physical activity is beneficial for everyone. People living with a disability or health condition face greater barriers to being active than non-disabled people. And therefore it can be harder for them to achieve the health benefits of an active lifestyle. This can be particularly difficult for those in a work environment.

On this page you can find links to resources to help you be active if you are living with a disability or limiting illness. You can use this page to signpost useful resources for your employees.

You could also check out the Get Active page for accessible activities.

Resources for inclusive activity

From Activity Alliance to our own resources enabling people to get active with a disability, signposting to these could help your employees get active. If you need help or further resources, get in touch at the bottom of the page.

Need help or advice?

If you need help promoting inclusive activity in your workplace, or further resources, get in touch. Our workplace health officer can advise or point you in the direction of further resources.

Katie Tierney

Workplace Health Officer

Katie leads on our workplace health programme. She supports organisations to develop tailored workplace activity programmes, and delivers workplace health training
