We’ve just released our new Impact Report for 2022-23! Take a look here.

Active Early Years

Let’s get babies and toddlers starting off on the right foot

We know that physical development in a child’s early years plays an essential part in meeting developmental milestones that all babies, toddlers and children should reach in their pre-school years.

The more physically active the under 5’s are, the better chance they have of reaching those milestones at the right time in their development. That’s why the Chief Medical Officer advises under 5s should be active for an average of 180 minutes a day. For more information on how active kids should be and why, click here.

How can we get more children being active in the early years?

Nurseries and childminders can work with us to increase their knowledge of physical activity and its benefits. Also, to increase their confidence and ability to use physical activity within their settings.

We work closely with Norfolk County Council’s Early Years Intervention Team to offer knowledge, training, support and information to practitioners.

Toddler doing sensory play

Working together, we can help improve outcomes for the children, and the families they work with.

The ideas and information on this page can be used by early years settings and childminders. You can also share it with parents and families to help support and improve home life.

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Find out how we can support your setting

Please get in touch to access these opportunities for your provision.

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