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Long-Term Conditions

Physical Activity and Long-Term Conditions

In 2019 Active Norfolk coordinated a Norfolk-wide long-term condition consultation to grow our understanding of current physical activity levels of those living with long-term conditions (LTCs) in Norfolk, which generated over 1,100 responses.

We wanted to gain insight into the potential barriers to being active. We also needed to understand what would help people living with an LTC to be more active. The conversations that people are having in relation to their condition are also important, to identify more active opportunities.

With this information, we can support our partners across the health and social care system. We will also ensure the views of people with LTCs are considered at the point of commissioning decision-making and service design. This is so that we can better facilitate, recommend, and support people with long term conditions to be active.

If you’re looking for insight linking long-term health conditions and physical activity, these can be found below. These include advice on how to coach and deliver inclusive physical activity sessions. You can jump to the correct section by pressing the button below.

Woman with long term conditions
Long term condition survey man smiling

Long term condition Consultation results

You can find the results from the long-term condition consultation below. There is a key findings sheet, and we have created an interactive Power BI dashboard so that our partners can access and manipulate the survey data according to their areas of interest.

For help using this dashboard, check out the video or file below, or get in touch for further assistance.

Making use of the report

If you are unsure on how to make use of this dashboard, check out this video for a handy guide, or download the document below. If you need any further assistance understanding the results, contact us and we’ll do our best to help.

Next steps

Despite achieving this number of responses, there is still a lot of work to be done.

The consultation is still live and can be viewed here, so that we can continue to use it as a resource to build understanding of physical activity behaviours around specific conditions.

We encourage our partners to use the communications toolkit provided below to share the survey link out amongst their channels to further contribute to this research base.

Insight reports on physical activity and long-term conditions

Below are a selection of insight reports on the impacts of physical activity and how it can be used to prevent, manage and even treat certain long-term health conditions. The reports explore the attitudes to physical activity of those living with health conditions.

It also touches on how to run and coach sessions tailored to those with health conditions, though for more information on this you should see our Training Courses page.

For more information on specific health conditions, check out the Activity and Health section.

Cancer resources

For more, check out the cancer page on the health section.

Mental health resources

For more information on mental health and physical activity, check out our mental health page.

Other resources

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