We’ve just released our new Impact Report for 2022-23! Take a look here.

Health and Wellbeing Insight

Health and Wellbeing Insight

The following insight focuses on the relationship between physical activity and health. These relate to both physical health and physical activity guidelines, and also mental health and wellbeing.

We also have a separate insight section on long term conditions and physical activity, which you can find here.

Alternatively, if you’re looking for more resources on getting people active for their health, take a look at the Activity and Health section.

Family being active for good health and wellbeing
Women in a gym class

Physical Activity Guidelines

The following reports were produced by the UK Chief Medical Officers and Sport England. They focus on the physical activity guidelines and why these are so important. For more information about how active you should be each week, check out the benefits of physical activity.

Public Health England: Health and Wellbeing reports

The following resources are provided by Public Health England. They focus on the ways we can improve the public’s health through the use of prescribed and recommended physical activity.

Physical activity and wellbeing

The following reports focus on mental wellbeing and the links to physical activity. For more information on mental health and physical activity, check out our mental health page.

Contact us:

If you’re unable to find what you’re looking for or need any help, get in touch.

Rachel Cooke

Insight officer
