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Workforce Guidance

Advice, resources and workforce guidance on safe delivery of activities

This page contains workforce guidance about the safe delivery of activities. The Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak presented a huge challenge for the physical activity sector.

There has also been an enormous amount of information and resources created nationally to support grassroots clubs and sport to resume. This includes guidance and safeguarding resources during the lockdown.

young woman rugby coach

Below you’ll find Return to Play resources and advice, coaching and development opportunities. There is also a bank of online training and resources to support coaches, clubs, and anyone planning or providing physical activity to groups.

Sport England’s Return to Play guidance

Sport England has produced a comprehensive bank of resources with its Return to Play guidance.

This includes guidance on inclusion and accessibility, considerations on how to support your paid and voluntary workforce, and managing liability and risk.

What is required before my club can return to play?

In order to return to play safely, clubs must ensure they are adhering to social distancing guidelines where possible, and implementing best practice procedures to keep participants safe. These include:

young girl playing tennis

Screening participants before training

Ask all participants to check for any COVID-19 symptoms prior to attending training. These include a high temperature, new or continuous cough and a loss of smell or taste. These symptoms are not exhaustive, however, and further symptoms to look out for can be found here.

Check the guidance for your sport

Every sport’s national governing body (NGB) should have published guidance on how to participate safely. You should ensure you’re following the latest guidance, and making any recommended changes in advance of your training sessions.

Create an action plan and risk assessment

All organised sports providers should undertake a risk assessment to determine the level of risk and how they can work to mitigate it. For more information or help developing a risk assessment, click here. You should ensure your club members are aware of this plan and doing everything they can as a team to stick to any restrictions in place.

Promote hygiene

Avoid equipment sharing where possible, and continue to sanitise all equipment frequently. Promote the washing and sanitising of participants’ hands. Encourage participants to bring their own water bottles, and be in charge of their own kits. You can also find downloadable posters to send to members and put up in order to encourage people to follow these best practises.

Minimise use of facilities

Changing rooms should remain closed, other than to accommodate emergencies or those living with disabilities. Toilet facilities should be accessible, but participants should be encouraged to avoid use where possible (by arriving in appropriate attire, for example). Consider setting a meeting time to avoid congregating prior to or after the training session.

More Sport England resources:

Sport England have provided hundreds of useful resources and workforce guidance, to help clubs and providers return to normal. You’ll be able to find many of these on their site by browsing the links below.

Clubmatters support

Grassroots sports clubs and organisations can also access a range of return to play resources from the ClubMatters website, including:

  • Reopening toolkit
  • Risk register template 
  • Creating a risk assessment 
  • Social distancing guidance 
  • Free online seminars 
ClubMatters logo

Government guidance on the safe return to play