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Big Norfolk Holiday Fun Provider FAQs

Big Norfolk Holiday Fun Provider FAQs

On this page you can find answers to some of the most common provider questions around the Big Norfolk Holiday Fun programme. Please note, this page is for activity providers. If you are a parent looking to book your child onto an activity session, click here.

If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, please email bnhf@norfolk.gov.uk.

Thanks for your interest in the Big Norfolk Holiday Fun programme! Once you have submitted an expression of interest, please allow a couple of weeks for the team to get back to you.

If you have any further questions about your entry that aren’t answered here, please email the team directly on bnhf@norfolk.gov.uk 

All of our resources and training courses are listed on the Big Norfolk Holiday Fun Knowledge Hub. Here, you’ll be able to download various bits of information and sign up to our BNHF-specific training courses.


There is no strict set cost per head figure dictated but as a guideline we expect to pay no more than £17.50 per child per day, including the provision of food.

We recognise in certain circumstances activities may cost more than this, in this instance you will need to justify the additional cost.

We will be able to link you to a provider who can supply food as part of your offer, you just need to state that you require this support when you submit your proposal.

We are working on supporting training and resources to help you offer nutritional education, more information will follow but this shouldn’t stop you expressing an interest. If you’re still hesitant, we’re creating a database of food enterprises which will be able to help deliver the nutritional education or even a food workshop.

Visit the government’s website, which contains all the information you need relating to school food standards: Standards for school food in England – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

You will need to take bookings from families, however, as part of the funding agreement you will need to collect stated information and gain permission to share this data with Norfolk County Council.

A family finds out if they are eligible and can apply to register their child/children for free school meals via the NCC website (apply for free school meals)

A family does not have to be accessing free school meals to take part in the holiday activities programme, they just need to be eligible.

Yes, activities should be 4 hours as a minimum but if you cannot deliver for four days, you can still be part of the programme.

The funding can only cover costs relating to eligible children. However, we would encourage your activities to be open to all. You can charge non-eligible children to attend.

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Get in touch

If you don’t see the answer to your question, or you would like to arrange a call to speak with someone about the Big Norfolk Holiday Fund in more detail, please drop us a line.

Get in touch