We’ve just released our new Impact Report for 2022-23! Take a look here.

Active Environments

Where we work, live and play matters

Active environments looks at how the design of our neighbourhoods and how we use them play a role in how likely we are to be active. And this can make a real difference to our health and wellbeing.

On this page you can find information about our work to support active environments in Norfolk.

group of women walking

This includes Building for a Healthy Life, Active Design Principles, as well as the Healthy Streets Approach, and 20-Minute Neighbourhoods.

Activity, Sustainability, and Climate Change

We want more people to feel willing and able to travel actively in Norfolk.

Improvements in our local infrastructure and neighbourhood design that help rebalance the transport network will help make active travel as convenient an option as using a car. As more people choose to travel actively, we’ll be helping to reduce carbon emissions. And when we create sustainable travel behaviours we are helping reduce the impact of climate change.

We believe a joined-up approach to improving active travel opportunities is key. Creating space that also encourage us to be active outdoors will benefit the health of our residents and our environment, and create sustainable change.

“Climate change is the greatest global health threat facing the world in the 21st century, but it is also the greatest opportunity to redefine the social and environmental determinants of health.”

Lancet Coundown on health and climate change

How we create Active Environments

We work with a range of stakeholders including local authorities, built environment professionals, and communities.

We work to build consensus, and also raise standards of infrastructure design and implementation.

Together, we can improve people’s ability, motivation and opportunity to be active in the places where they live, work, and play.

woman in wheelchair walking dog down snowy street

Engaging young people in the making of their neighbourhood

Voice Opportunity Power is a toolkit to involve young people in the making and management of their neighbourhood. It is important that the places we build and manage provide opportunities for everyone in the community, including people of different backgrounds, abilities, and ages.

Plus, recognising that young people have a right to be involved and that their involvement creates better places for everyone.

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Simon Hamilton

Strategic Director

Simon heads up our Active Environments work

He works closely with colleagues in Sport England to map out our work in this emerging sector.
