We’ve just released our new Impact Report for 2022-23! Take a look here.

Our Locality Way of Working

What is the locality approach?

We know that where people live has an influence on their ability to be active. With this in mind, our new locality approach has been designed to focus on individual communities in Norfolk rather than looking at the county as a whole.

In order to do this, we have split Norfolk into six locality focus areas:

  • Breckland
  • Broadland and South Norfolk
  • Great Yarmouth
  • North Norfolk
  • Norwich
  • King’s Lynn and West Norfolk

Our main aim is to create a collaborative ‘Framework for Action’ which leads to the development of a shared action plan.

The opportunities and barriers to being active vary greatly across the county. As part of our new 2021-2026 strategy we are dedicating more resources to support local communities and aiming to improve our understanding of these local challenges and opportunities. We will work more closely with the organisations and groups that can make a difference in local communities.

By providing support and resources to these organisations at a local level, we can support them to extend their reach. Additionally, they’ll be able to increase the impact they make in their communities.

How will we do it?

We aim to understand our local communities, environments & infrastructure through insight & data.

Identify, attract and allocate resources to support shared objectives in a place.

We will influence and inform stakeholders to consider physical activity when developing new strategies, policy changes and designs.

Aligning partners to deliver against shared strategic priorities and achieve broader outcomes.

We have increased our capacity to work at a locality level by dedicating a project locality officer in each district. This locality officer will take the lead on developing relationships in each area. They will work closely with the local authorities by advocating opportunities to use physical activity in order to support development and influence positive change.

Find your locality officer

Each area has a designated project officer to take the lead on driving initiatives and positive change. These dedicated officers will be responsible for recommending and implementing physical activity ideas. This will help support the Health and Social Care sector, whilst also helping to determine priorities in the communities where we can make the biggest impact.

You can find your area’s locality officer by clicking the links below. You can also find their contact details and get in touch directly.

Examples of our work

Since establishing our locality team, we’ve been working hard to influence positive change within local communities. You can also see some examples of our work:

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