We’ve just released our new Impact Report for 2022-23! Take a look here.


Safeguarding and Safer in Sport

The safety and welfare of everyone involved in sport and physical activity is of paramount importance, particularly where young people and adults at risk are concerned. Active Norfolk therefore takes a proactive approach to the implementation of policies and procedures relating to the safeguarding and protection of everyone involved in sport

We also acknowledge the importance of education and training all individuals working with children and adults at risk, as well as the importance of making sure those wanting to take part in sport and physical activity are protected. Whilst all of these should still be available throughout the pandemic, we also have COVID-specific resources for those who need additional remote help.

We also provide regular Safeguarding training across the county for coaches, activity leaders and volunteers. On top this this, we also commission a range of disability and mental health awareness courses. These are for instructors and coaches but also anyone involved in the delivery of sports & physical activity. Their aim is to equip people with the tools to deal with issues relating to the above.

If you’re looking for the Safer in Sport programme click here.

Safeguarding: Girl in wheelchair at youth club
Safeguarding two young girls playing at a sports club

Active Norfolk Safeguarding

Below you’ll find Active Norfolk’s safeguarding policy, as well as a safety checklist and board statement on child protection.

Topics include the differences between adult and children safeguarding. They also cover why your organisation needs a safeguarding adults policy.

Various best practise topics include guidance on anti-bullying, deaf and disabled children, leisure facilities, LGBT+, online safety and much more. Be sure to review these so as to stay informed. You can also view CPSU’s video on safeguarding children here.

Reporting concerns:

If you are concerned about the behaviour of a staff member or volunteer, or concerned for a child or young person, you may wish to report this.

While following the steps outlined in the “Reporting a Concern flowchart”, it is necessary to complete a concern reporting form in as much detail as possible. Below is a link to a blank report form. It shows the details needed before it can be passed to the Designated Child Protection Officer.

COVID-19 safeguarding

Active Norfolk recognises that there are a series of challenges arising as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak connected to the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults.

During this time, you may not be in contact with participants, pupils, teammates or colleagues as often as usual. With this in mind, it is now, more than ever just as important that we continue to provide the vital support that may be needed to keep children and/or vulnerable adults safe.

Teachers and community volunteers (e.g. sports coaches) are often the first to spot signs of abuse and neglect and, with agencies being focused elsewhere, we must work together to protect the most vulnerable.

External COVID safeguarding resources

At this time, whilst many organisations might be running a reduced services, all of the ordinary resources should still be available. There are, however, a few additional resources available to tackle COVID issues.

Norfolk Safeguarding Children Partnership has a dedicated page of resources for people working with children during the Coronavirus outbreak. The Child Protection in Sport Unit also has useful COVID information for those in the physical activity sector.

For adult safeguarding, the Ann Craft Trust also released specific guidance about best safeguarding practises throughout the pandemic. Similarly, the Norfolk Safeguarding Adults Board have a designated COVID resource page to help with adult safeguarding.

Independent charities and contacts:

If you’re worried about a young person, you can contact one of the partners below. Alternatively, you could encourage them to get in touch themself. Childline is a service for children to talk about anything and everything. They can provide impartial advice and a listening ear.

UK Coaching have launched a response to the disruptive impact of the pandemic by creating an Online Classroom to replace the existing Safeguarding & Protecting Children face-to-face workshop while the current restrictions on face to face training continue

Safeguarding adults in sport
Disabled boy playing football

Safer In Sport

The Safer in Sport Programme has been developed between Active Norfolk and the Norfolk Safeguarding Children Board. We have developed a pack that provides advice, information and training on all aspects around safeguarding children, child protection, policies and procedures.

Benefits of joining:

For £30 a year, you receive:

  • A comprehensive resource pack containing everything a group needs in respect of safeguarding children.
  • Access to the Safer Programme Coordinator for tailored advice and information
  • Updated information on legislation, guidance, policies and procedures
  • A free check on your policies and procedures in order to gain a Safer Certificate annually
  • 4 potential free training places detailed below

Training places included:

  • 2 x training Safer training places at introduction level every three years and 20% off the cost of Core Programme and Safer Recruitment Training.

How do I become a member?

It’s simple. Download the membership form here and email or post it to safer@norfolk.gov.uk or the address on the form. We will then arrange for your Safer Pack to be delivered to you.

If you have any questions, please contact Ellen Vanlint using the contact details below.

Contact Us:

Kieron Tuck

Operations Manager

Kieron is the Lead Safeguarding Officer, and can be used as a point of contact for all safeguarding queries

01603 306287

Aaron Roberts

Sports Development Officer

Aaron is the coaching safeguarding lead.

01603 679257

Ellen Vanlint

Sports Development Officer

Ellen is the adults at risk lead. She can also answer any questions on the Safer in Sport programme.

01603 731566

Jo Thompson

Children and Young People Project Officer

Jo is the children and young people safeguarding lead.

01603 228964