We’ve just released our new Impact Report for 2022-23! Take a look here.

Our Strategy and Impact

Our Strategy and Impact

Our current strategy: Getting Norfolk Moving was launched in September 2021, and will help shape our aims and focus over the next 5 years.

On this page you can download this, and also read our latest impact reports.

These documents outline our commitment to helping Norfolk residents lead healthy and active lifestyles, and some of the great impacts we’ve achieved so far.

Through our partnership approach to working, we can make an even greater impact and reach more people who can benefit from being more physically active.

If you’re looking for more about us and what we do, click here. Otherwise, read on to view ‘Getting Norfolk Moving’ and our impact reports.

Our current strategy

Our current strategy was launched in September 2021, and will guide our work aims and focuses over the next five years. View it below.

To launch our strategy, we created a short video and hosted a Live Q+A on Facebook. This was to address any questions, and you can view them both below.

Our previous strategy ran between 2016 – 2021. You can view and download it here.

Our latest impact reports

These are our latest impact reports, covering the periods between 2017 – 2020. The first 2017 report was produced shortly after the announcement of our current strategy.

These reports include the key areas of work we’ve focused on and our reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic. If you’re looking for the Active Partnerships impact reports, click here.

If you need help understanding any of the above, or would like to request further information, get in touch. Our team will do their best to help or point you in the right direction.

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